Workplace & School

Male teachers wore neckties
and female teachers wore dresses
Male teachers wore neckties

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Posted by LoyalTubist at 7:22 pm (PDT) on Sat August 27, 2016   
I taught for twenty years and dressing up for work with a tie and a blazer always got more respect.
Posted by Michael Giffey at 9:30 pm (PDT) on Sat October 26, 2013   
My high school had a very strict dress code (I graduated in 1979) Jeans were not permitted for anyone, all shirts had to have collars, skirts were to the knee or lower, sneakers and tennis shoes only in gym. Of course, our principal and all our guidance cousellors were over 60, seriously.
Posted by Alan at 9:37 am (PST) on Thu January 10, 2013   
I am a retired high school teacher. In 1974 our new principal told us that all male teachers had to wear ties. I had stopped wearing one about three years earlier. I led a group that filed a grievance, even included one woman who was afraid she would be forced to wear dresses again. We won the grievance and from that day until my retirement in 1999, I never again wore a tie to work. I believe I was a more effective teacher because of that. The principal would kid me about it all the time until he retired, but I think he respected me for standing up to him.

At his retirement dinner I spoke and jokingly said I had contacted his third grade teacher, and she referred to him as the kid who always wore a tie to school!
Posted by dtdavis2012 at 4:00 am (PST) on Sat January 21, 2012   
I remember the first male teacher I had. 5th grade--Mr. Eldridge in 1965-1966. (Although he was a good teacher, he also had a bad temper! He was (in) famous for spinning kids around in their desks when they misbehaved!!

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