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Comments Posted by This Member |
"Magic Fingers" vibrating motel beds (in 'Life' gallery) |
"Silver Certificate" dollar bills (in 'Currency & Stamps' gallery) |
"Silver Certificate" dollar bills (in 'Currency & Stamps' gallery) |
12 Angry Men (1957) (in 'Movies of the '50s' gallery) |
15-cent McDonalds burgers (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery) |
15-cent McDonalds burgers (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery) |
1953 Studebaker Commander (in 'Classic Cars' gallery) |
1960 Ford Falcon (in 'Classic Cars' gallery) |
20 Mule Team Borax (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) (in 'Movies of the '60s' gallery) |
25ยข was a decent weekly allowance (in 'Life' gallery) |
3-cent First Class postage stamps (in 'Currency & Stamps' gallery) |
3:10 to Yuma (1957) (in 'Movies of the '50s' gallery) |
8-track tape cartridges (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
8mm home movie cameras & projectors (in 'Photography' gallery) |
A Clockwork Orange (1971) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery) |
A Spaniard in the Works (in 'Art, Literature & Architecture' gallery) |
Actual CARE packages (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
Alaska and Hawaii became U.S. states (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
all gas stations had mini-marts (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
American Motors Corporation (in 'Classic Cars' gallery) |
Ann-Margret (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Arp 2500 synthesizer (in 'Music' gallery) |
Astonishing older ads (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
Audio tape splicing blocks (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
Avocado green and coppertone appliances (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Bactine (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Balsa gliders (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Beany-Copters (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Bee Gees (in 'Music' gallery) |
Before Ronald McDonald (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
Ben-Hur (1959) (in 'Movies of the '50s' gallery) |
Best Products (in 'Companies & Agencies' gallery) |
Betty Boop (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
BIC pens (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Black & white TV's (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
Bomb/fall-out shelters (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
Bosco chocolate syrup (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery) |
British Overseas Airways Corp. (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
British Overseas Airways Corp. (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Buddy Hackett (in 'Humor' gallery) |
Buffalo nickels (in 'Currency & Stamps' gallery) |
Built-in radio-intercom systems (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Burl Ives (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Burry's (in 'Food, Candy, Drinks' gallery) |
Bus 'stop' cords (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Buses had rear windows (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Campfire Girls (in 'Life' gallery) |
Car record players (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
Carburetors (in 'Classic Cars' gallery) |
Carl Perkins (in 'Music' gallery) |
Charles Laughton (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Charlton Heston (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Children's names (in 'Fashion & Fads' gallery) |
Chinese checkers (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Chiquita Banana (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Chrome and Formica kitchen furniture (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Chuck Berry (in 'Music' gallery) |
Citizens Band (CB) radio (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
Clear plastic slipcovers (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Clear plastic slipcovers (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Cleopatra (1963) (in 'Movies of the '60s' gallery) |
Cliff Robertson (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
color television (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery) |
Comet cleanser (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen (in 'Music' gallery) |
Concentration (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Cootie (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Cracker Jack (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Crazy Clock (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Datacomp Telex ad (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
Davey and Goliath (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
David McCallum (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Desi Arnaz (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Dictaphones (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Dinah Shore for Chevrolet (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Diners with tableside jukebox controls (in 'Life' gallery) |
Ditto copying machines (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Dogfight (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Donald Pleasence (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Drafting tables (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Drive-in restaurants (in 'Life' gallery) |
Eddie Albert (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Eddy Arnold (in 'Music' gallery) |
Edward G. Robinson (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Eerie movie effects from the Theremin (in 'Music' gallery) |
Electro-mechanical train/flight status boards (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Elevator operators (in 'Life' gallery) |
Enema bags (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
Estes model rocket kits (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Fallout shelters (in 'Life' gallery) |
Fascination (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Federal Civil Defense Administration (in 'Companies & Agencies' gallery) |
Felix the Cat (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Fender Stratocaster (in 'Music' gallery) |
First pocket-sized transistor radio (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
First successful heart transplant (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
Flashcubes and Magicubes (in 'Photography' gallery) |
Floor-to-ceiling pole lamps (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
FORTRAN programming language (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
Frank Zappa (in 'Music' gallery) |
Garrard (in 'Companies & Agencies' gallery) |
Gas stations offered full service (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Gas stations provided free air & water (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Gasoline was 25 cents a gallon (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) (in 'Movies of the '50s' gallery) |
Gilbert chemistry sets (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Girder & Panel building sets (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Go to the Head of the Class (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Greeting arriving air passengers at the gate (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Hai Karate aftershave (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Hammond organs (in 'Music' gallery) |
Haystacks Calhoun (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Heckle and Jeckle (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Highlights for Children (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
Home "landline" telephones (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
Home milk delivery (in 'Life' gallery) |
Huckleberry Hound (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
I want my Maypo! (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
I.G.Y. - International Geophysical Year 1957-1958 (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
In His Own Write (in 'Art, Literature & Architecture' gallery) |
Incandescent light bulbs (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
Ipana toothpaste (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Janis Joplin (in 'Music' gallery) |
Jarts (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Jefferson Airplane (in 'Music' gallery) |
Joe Besser (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Jolly Green Giant (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Jonny Quest (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Kay Bee Toys (in 'Companies & Agencies' gallery) |
Land speed record: 407-mph (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Latin class in high school (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Lax supervision (in 'Life' gallery) |
Leaded gasoline (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Les Paul and Mary Ford (in 'Music' gallery) |
Leslie rotating speakers (in 'Music' gallery) |
License plates were colorful and distinctive (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Life (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
Lincoln Logs (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Lionel Trains... (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Lockheed L-188 Electra turboprop airliner (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Long-distance (toll) telephone calls were expensive (in 'Life' gallery) |
Magilla Gorilla (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Manual typewriters (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
MASH (1970) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery) |
Matchbooks with front-side striker area (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Mattel Greenie Stick-M-Caps (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Mercurochrome (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Metal address plates (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Metal ice cube trays with levers (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Milton the Monster (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Monopoly (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Moog modular synthesizer (in 'Music' gallery) |
Most moms were home after school (in 'Life' gallery) |
Moveable ramp stairs (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
MPAA film ratings (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
Mr. Magoo (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Mucilage glue (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Muntz Car Company (in 'Classic Cars' gallery) |
National Geographic (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
New York's Idlewild Airport (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Newspaper classified ads (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
No ADD, HDAD, or dyslexia (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Norge appliances (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Norge appliances (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Opaque projectors (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Oscar Mayer wieners (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Patsy Cline (in 'Music' gallery) |
Personal checks (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
Philco Predicta television (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
Physicians made house-calls (in 'Life' gallery) |
Picnic (in 'An Evening at the Theater' gallery) |
Pinball machines (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Plastic army men (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Play-Doh (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Playboy Bunnies (in 'Life' gallery) |
Pneumatic tubes (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Polaroid Swinger (in 'Photography' gallery) |
Portnoy's Complaint (in 'Art, Literature & Architecture' gallery) |
Public pay phones (in 'Rare Today, Gone Tomorrow?' gallery) |
Pullman sleeping cars (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Quadraphonic LPs (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
Raquel Welch (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Ravi Shankar (in 'Music' gallery) |
Reddy Kilowatt (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
Reel-to-reel tape recorders (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
Refrigerators with manual-defrost iceboxes (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Remco Toys (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Rock Hudson (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Rocky and Bullwinkle (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Rosemary's Baby (1968) (in 'Movies of the '60s' gallery) |
Rotary phones, alpha prefixes... (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
Roxy Music (in 'Music' gallery) |
Salvo laundry detergent tablets (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
School discipline (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
School discipline (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
School never started before Labor Day (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
Score hair cream (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Shag carpet (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
skateboards (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
Slot cars (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
soft contact lenses (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
Sorry, Charlie (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Sputnik (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
Steam locomotives (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Steamer trunks (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Stranger in a Strange Land (in 'Art, Literature & Architecture' gallery) |
Studebaker Corporation (in 'Classic Cars' gallery) |
Sunset Boulevard (1950) (in 'Movies of the '50s' gallery) |
Super Ball (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Superman (1978) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery) |
Tang (in 'TV/Radio Commercials' gallery) |
Thalidomide (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
The 48-star U.S. flag (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
The 48-star U.S. flag (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
The Ames Brothers (in 'Music' gallery) |
The Apollo space program (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
The Beach Boys (in 'Music' gallery) |
The Beatles (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
The Beatles (in 'Music' gallery) |
The British Invasion (in 'Music' gallery) |
The Catcher in the Rye (in 'Art, Literature & Architecture' gallery) |
The classic '60s lunch counter (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
the compact audio disc (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
The Dolby noise-reduction system (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
The Firesign Theatre (in 'Humor' gallery) |
The Guns of Navarone (1961) (in 'Movies of the '60s' gallery) |
The Mamas and the Papas (in 'Music' gallery) |
the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
the personal computer (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
The Polaroid Land instant camera (in 'Photography' gallery) |
The Red Skelton Show (in 'TV / Radio' gallery) |
The Sound of Music (1965) (in 'Movies of the '60s' gallery) |
The Spiegel catalog (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
The Three Stooges (in 'Humor' gallery) |
The Velvet Underground (in 'Music' gallery) |
the Video Cassette Recorder (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
The Who (in 'Music' gallery) |
the ZIP code (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! (in 'Novelty Records' gallery) |
Tom Terrific (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
Toni home permanent ads (in 'Print Media and Ads' gallery) |
Toni home permanents (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Toothpaste came in metal tubes (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Totie Fields (in 'Humor' gallery) |
Trading stamps (in 'Bygone Icons' gallery) |
TV tray tables (in 'Household Items' gallery) |
Two-color traffic signals (in 'Transportation' gallery) |
Vac-U-Form (in 'Toys & Games' gallery) |
Vic Morrow (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Viewmaster stereo viewers (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
Walt Disney (in 'Actors and Entertainers' gallery) |
Warped vinyl records (in 'Home Entertainment' gallery) |
Western Union telegrams (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) (in 'Movies of the '60s' gallery) |
Widespread peanut allergies (in 'Life Before...' gallery) |
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) (in 'Movies of the '70s' gallery) |
Wind-up and electro-mechanical metronomes (in 'Music' gallery) |
Woody Allen (in 'Humor' gallery) |
Woody Woodpecker (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |
World Book Encyclopedia (in 'Workplace & School' gallery) |
X-15 rocket plane (in 'Science, Technology & Medicine' gallery) |
You could smoke anywhere, even on a plane (in 'Life' gallery) |
Zap Comix (in 'Cartoons, Comics & Animation' gallery) |